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Loading the weapon
Situation 1: - No magazine is in the weapon
- The bolt is in its forward (locked) position
¾ Set the safety/fire selector lever at “safe”
¾ Swivel the cocking lever to the left or to the right, pull it all the way to
the rear (Fig.33) and hold it.
¾ Push the bolt catch upward. (Fig.34)
¾ Insert a loaded magazine into the magazine well until the magazine
catch clearly engages.
¾ Swivel the cocking lever out, pull it all the way to the rear and
The weapon is now loaded and set at safe.
Fig. 33: Swivel out and pull back
cocking lever
Fig. 34: Push bolt catch upward
Situation 2: - The magazine in the weapon is empty
- The bolt has been caught in its rear position
¾ Set the safety/fire selector lever at safe!
¾ Actuate the magazine catch and detach the empty magazine
¾ Insert a loaded magazine into the magazine well until the magazine
clearly engages.
¾ Swivel the cocking lever out, pull it all the way to the rear and
The weapon is now loaded and set at safe.
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Group 6 Magazine
The curved box-type magazine holds maximum 30 rounds.
The magazine housing consists of impact-resistant transparent plastic
which permits to visually check the loading condition of the magazine
from outside.
The top of the right side of the magazine housing shows a cartridge
symbol and the number “30”. This is to indicate that a maximum of 30
rounds may be loaded into the magazine and that the uppermost
cartridge of a full magazine must be on the right side.
The right sidewalls of the magazine are provided with two female
couplings where as the left sidewalls are provided with two
corresponding male coupling studs. These couplings permit the
attachment of several magazines to each other.
The magazine consists of:
- Magazine housing
- Magazine floor plate
- Follower
- Follower spring
Fig. 16: Magazine, complete
Fig. 17: Magazine,