General information Universal Database System UDS/SQL
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2.3 Universal Database System UDS/SQL
The Universal Database System UDS/SQL offers users a wide range of structuring options
and an abundance of capabilities for setting up, using and maintaining databases:
● Structuring options
The structure of a company’s database is a map reflecting the organizational, business
and technical aspects of the company. UDS/SQL allows you to map relational, hierar-
chical and/or networked structures, i.e. the database schema can be adapted to
existing company structures without any problem.
The data structure can be adapted to new conditions if, for example, aspects of the
company change or the database is expanded to include new things.
● Redundancy-free data storage
In UDS/SQL, data is stored non-redundantly, thus minimizing the storage space
required and simplifying updates. An update is made only once, at a single location. The
data is thus always available in the same form and with the same update status to all
● Data independence of programs
In UDS/SQL, the records of the entire database are written only once at the logical level.
The data structure is defined during the creation of the database and is binding for all
application programs.
Application programs operate at the logical level. Alterations to the physical organi-
zation of the data have no effect on the programs. Physical aspects (for instance of
storage) are thus decoupled or hidden from the users, who get to know only the logical
structure of the data required for their respective work.
Program creation and maintenance are simplified and made uniform.
● Flexible data evaluation
Users can evaluate data from different points of view since UDS/SQL maintains the
data resources centrally. Records and record elements can be selected not only via
defined keys, but also by means of any desired complex conditions or on the basis of
any desired record-element contents.