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This Glossary contains the definitions of some of the important terms and
concepts used in the UDS/SQL manuals.
Terms that appear in italics within a particular definition have also been defined
in this Glossary.
In cases where two or more terms are used synonymously, a “See” reference
points to the more commonly used term in these manuals.
access, contending
See contending access.
access, direct
See direct access.
access, sequential
See sequential access.
access authorization
The rights of a specified user group with regard to access to the database.
Access rights are defined during live database operation using ONLINE-
PRIVACY utility routine or, in offline mode, using the BPRIVACY utility routine.
access path
Means of finding a certain subset of all records qualified by a search query,
without having to carry out a sequential search of the whole database.
access rights
Right of access to a database as defined in the BPRIVACY utility routine.
access type
Type of access, e.g. read, update etc.