Glossary D
U929-J-Z125-9-76 273
Dokuschablonen 19x24 Version 7.3us für FrameMaker V7.x vom 14.02.2007 © cognitas GmbH 2001-2007
18. Oktober 2007 Stand 11:29.52 Pfad: G:\vogt\fsc\uds\Manuale\en\udsent_e\udsent.mix
database key item
Item of type DATABASE-KEY or DATABASE-KEY-LONG that is used to accom-
modate database key values.
Items of type DATABASE-KEY and DATABASE-KEY-LONG differ in terms of the
item length (4 bytes / 8 bytes) and value range.
See database key item.
See database key item.
database page
See page.
Five-byte item indicating the database status and consisting of the statement
code and the status code.
database system
Software system that supports all tasks in connection with managing and
controlling large data resources. The database system provides mechanisms
for stable and expandable data organization without redundancies. They allow
many users to access databases concurrently and guarantee a consistent data
DB status file
(database status file) Contains information on the most recently reset transac-
openUTM-S or, in the case of distributed processing, UDS-D/openUTM-D
needs this information for a session restart.
DB configuration
(database configuration) The databases attached to a DBH at any one point
during session runtime. As the result of DAL commands or DBH error handling,
the database configuration can change in the course of a session.
At the session start, the DB configuration may be empty. Databases can be
attached with DAL commands after the start of the session. They can also be
disconnected during the session with DAL commands.
See database compiler realm.