8. Specify an installation folder for the Admin Tool and the target user
To select a different folder, press the [Browse] button.
To check the free space available for the currently selected folder, press the [Disk
Cost] button.
9. Press the [Next] button.
D From here on after, follow the instructions on the window to proceed the
When "Network Scanner Admin Tool has been successfully installed" is
displayed, the installation is complete. Press the [Close] button.
D After installation is completed, log out from the scanner on the Web browser and
close the Web browser.
D After installation, the Admin Tool can be started by selecting the [Start] menu J
[All Programs] J [Network Scanner] J [Network Scanner Admin Tool].
Installation fails if the length of any installation path (folder path plus
installation file name) exceeds 259 characters. Select an installation folder
that respects this limit.