■ File Format of Local Accounts Loaded from a File
This section describes the file format available for local accounts that can be loaded from
a file.
With User Editor, local accounts in CSV format can be edited.
z UNICODE (UTF-8) is used for the file character set.
z Describe in CSV format as follows:
"User Name","Password","E-mail Address","Comment","Enabled/
Disabled","Account Type"
The values for each item are as follows.
Item Value and Format
User Name Specify the name of the user.
Password Specify the password.
Comment Specify the comment on the account.
For details about e-mail address settings values, refer to "B.1 e-
Mail Address Setting Values" (page 483)
Specify whether the local account is enabled or disabled.
"0": Indicates that the local account is disabled.
"1": Indicates that the local account is enabled.
Specify whether or not the local account has administrator right.
"0": Indicates a regular user who do not have administrator right.
"1": Indicates a user who has administrator right.