5.17 Maintaining Central Admin Server Settings
5.17.3 Obtaining Technical Support on the Central Admin Server
If any problems occur when setting up or using the Central Admin Server, technical
support information on the Central Admin Server can be collected to help determine the
cause of the problem.
To obtain technical support information, execute "AmInvestigate.exe" in the command
prompt on the computer installed with the Central Admin Server software.
When obtaining technical support, the Central Admin Server is in a temporarily
suspended state. Do not try to obtain technical support unless requested by your
FUJITSU scanner dealer, or a problem occurs.
z Command storage location
z Command executable format
The italic text represents variable character strings.
To show the status of the process, specify -v.
z Return value
z 0
z Other than 0
The information is output to the specified output folder for each type. If an encrypted
password is specified, the technical support information is encrypted.
Under the [\AmManager\Bin] folder in the installation folder of the Central Admin
Server software
AmInvestigate.exe -d OutputFolder [-p EncryptedPassword] [-v]