IN predicate
In the search condition specification for an SQL statement, the IN predicate specifies that rows are manipulated
depending on comparisons with a set of values. The IN predicate is the predicate in IN (C, D, ...) or IN subquery.
Related term: predicate
Indicator variable
In high-level languages such as C language and COBOL, the indicator variable is a variable specified to be paired
with an SQL data variable. Indicator variables are used when SQL statements are used to fetch data from, and update
a database. When SQL statements are used to update a database, the indicator variable indicates whether or not
data stored in the SQL data variable contains a null value. When SQL statements are used to reference a database,
the indicator variable indicates whether or not the execution result of the SQL statement has a null value stored in the
SQL data variable. The indicator variable also shows the number of characters in character-string data stored in the
SQL data variable.
INSERT statement
A data manipulation SQL statement used to add a row to a table.
A type of relation operation. In a relational database, one table can be made from two or more tables. This operation
is called join.
LIKE predicate
In the search condition specification for an SQL statement, the LIKE predicate specifies that rows are manipulated
depending on a comparison of character type data. The LIKE predicate is the predicate in A LIKE B.
Related term: predicate
Logical structure
This is one of the structures of a database along with the storage structure and physical structure. The data structure
that includes the schema, table and column configuration, and column data types is called the logical structure.
Constrains such as unique constrains, authorities, procedure routines, and triggers are also elements of the logical
Related terms: storage structure and physical structure
Logical structure definition
An element of SymfoWARE/RDB database definition (also called schema definition). Table and view table definitions
apply to logical structure definition.