
Using the EXECUTE statement to fetch execution results
Specify USING arguments in the EXECUTE statement to fetch execution results.
Example 2:
In this example, the values of PRODUCT and STOCKQTY for the product with ITMNO "110" are
fetched from the STOCK table. The data types for PRODUCT and STOCKQTY and those for the two
arguments in which the results are fetched must be comparable.
Using the EXECUTE statement to set the values of dynamic parameter speci
fications and to fetch execution results
Specify USING arguments in the EXECUTE statement to set the values of dynamic parameter specifications and to
fetch execution results.
Example 3:
In this example, the values of PRODUCT and STOCKQTY for the product with ITMNO "240" are
fetched from the STOCK table. The data types of ITMNO and the argument in which the value is set,
and the data types of PRODUCT and STOCKQTY and the two arguments in which the results are
fetched must be comparable.