
ALL set function
The ALL set function is a set function for which ALL is specified in the argument. Rows containing the same value are
targeted by the ALL set function.
Related term: DISTINCT set function
Application program
In general, programs used in the work of a computer user are called application programs. In this manual, a program
that reads data from a database and writes data to a database for user work processing is called an application
Arbitrary character specifier
In the LIKE predicate of an SQL data manipulation statement, the arbitrary character specifier specifies that a data
position can contain any character. Related terms: escape character and arbitrary string specifier
Arbitrary string specifier
In the LIKE predicate of an SQL data manipulation statement, the arbitrary string specifier specifies that a data
position can contain any character string of zero or more characters.
Related terms: escape character and arbitrary character specifier
Base table
A table defined as a base table in logical structure definition. The data body is stored in a database space.
BETWEEN predicate
In a data manipulation SQL statement, the BETWEEN predicate is the search condition used to specify a range
comparison in the format A BETWEEN B AND C (B?? A?? C).
Related term: predicate
Boolean operator
Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT are operators that specify logical operations in search conditions. In SQL
search conditions, the logical operators logical conjunction (AND) or logical disjunction (OR) can be performed
between predicates, or negation (NOT) can be performed within a predicate.