7.1 View Menu
The commands on the View menu turn on or off the tool bars, status bar, project
management, diagnostic messages, and others.
The View menu provides the following commands:
• [Tool bars] command
• [Status bar] command
• [Project management] command
• [Diagnostic message] command
• [Check log] command
• [Customize…] command
■ View menu
❍ [Tool bars] command
Turns the tool bars on or off.
The C Checker provides the following four tool bars:
• Standard tool bar: Contains function buttons which operate as the most frequently
used commands such as [Open…].
• Check tool bar: Contains the buttons having the functions corresponding to the
commands on the [Check] and other menus.
• Window tool bar: Docks subwindows and turns them on or off.
• Find tool bar: Contains the buttons having the functions corresponding to the
commands on the [Find] and other menus.
When each tool bar is displayed, a check mark appears next to the name of this
See Section 7.2, “Tool Bars” for details.
❍ [Status bar] command
Turns the status bar on or off. The status bar displays a brief explanation of a menu
command or tool bar button when that command or button is chosen, the ON/OFF states
of the special keys on the keyboard, and other information. When the status bar is
displayed, a check mark appears next to the name of this command.
See Section 7.3, “Status Bar” for details.
❍ [Project management] command
Turns the project management window on or off.
When the project management window is displayed, a check mark appears next to the
name of this command.
See Section 7.4, “Project Management” for details.