1.2 Function Outlines
1.2.3 Files
The functions in this group are for manipulating source program files. These functions
enable the user to save and print corrected source program files.
■ New
Creates a new file.
A file with no title is opened on the editor.
■ Open
Opens an existing file.
Choosing the [Open] command from the [File] menu displays the dialog box for opening a file.
From this dialog box, select the file to be opened and click the [Open] button, and the file is
Either the “*.c” or “*.*” file type can be selected so that files of that file type can be displayed.
By default, files with the “.c” file identifier are displayed.
■ Close
Closes an open file.
If the open file has been modified, a confirmation message dialog box appears asking whether
the contents of the file should be saved.
■ Overwrite
Saves an open file, overwriting its previous contents. If the open file is a newly created one, the
Save as dialog box appears.
■ Save as
Saves an open file with a name.
In the Save as dialog box, the locations in which the file can be saved are displayed as well as
the directories and files saved in them.
Either the “*.c” or “*.*” file type can be selected so that files of that file type can be displayed.
By default, files with the “.c” file identifier are displayed.
■ Print
Prints an open file.
Selecting the [Print] command from the [File] menu displays the [Print] dialog box.
In the dialog box, specify the printer to be used, printing range, number of copies, and other
detailed printing information. Then click the [OK] button, to begin printing.
■ Print preview
Displays what is to be printed in a window.
Printing can be started by selecting the [Print] dialog box from this window.