1.2 Function Outlines
1.2.8 Diagnostic message
The diagnostic message functions are used to display information about the lines that
have been checked. Display information includes file names, line numbers with a
problem found, message numbers, simple messages, and file path names. Double-
clicking the file name at the beginning of a diagnostic message or another item causes
a jump to the line with a problem found in the source program. These functions enable
the user to find problem lines in the source program quickly. By choosing Detailed
message from the popup menu, which is displayed by clicking the right mouse button,
a detailed message displayed and diagnostic message can be sorted.
■ Diagnostic messages
The check results are displayed in the diagnostic message window.
The messages displayed in the diagnostic message window are in the following format.
The diagnostic message format is as follows:
Figure 1.2-a The diagnostic message format
The diagnostic message functions are as follows:
❍ Open
Reads a diagnostic message file to display the diagnostic messages in the diagnostic
message window.
❍ Close
Closes the displayed diagnostic message file.
❍ Save
Saves the displayed diagnostic messages into a file.
❍ Save as
Saves the displayed diagnostic messages with another name.
❍ Print
Prints the displayed diagnostic messages.
The three commands, [Open], [Save], [Save as], and [Print] are effective only when diagnostic
messages are displayed.