Digital Communications Interface
Commands 6
Response: 0
A value of 1 is returned if a power loss alarm event has occurred. A value of 0 is returned
if a power loss alarm event has not occurred.
Returns the state of the power loss alarm enable.
Response: 0
A value of 1 is returned if the power loss alarm is enabled. A value of 0 is returned if the
power loss alarm is disabled.
ALARm:POWer:ENABle <bool>
Sets the state of the power loss alarm enable.
Example: ALAR:POW:ENAB 1
The <bool> parameter turns the power loss alarm on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF). This
command may be password protected (see Password Commands).
Indicates whether a lower humidity alarm event has occurred for the specified channel.
Example: ALAR:RHUM1:LOW?
Response: 0
The RHUMidity suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is returned if a
lower humidity alarm event has occurred on the specified channel. A value of 0 is
returned if a lower humidity alarm event has not occurred on the specified channel.
Returns the state of the lower humidity alarm enable for the specified channel.
Response: 0
The RHUMidity suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is returned if
the lower humidity alarm is enabled. A value of 0 is returned if the lower humidity alarm
is disabled.
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:LOWer:ENABle <bool>
Sets the state of the lower humidity alarm enable for the specified channel.
The RHUMidity suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The <bool> parameter
turns the lower humidity alarm enable on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF). This command
may be password protected (see Password Commands).
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:LOWer:LIMit? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returns the lower humidity alarm limit for the specified channel in %RH.