Users Manual
20% 25 °C
45% 25 °C
70% 25°C
Table 7-3. 5026A-H Temperature Calibration Points
Temperature at Relative Humidity
16 °C 45%
20 °C 45%
24 °C 45%
Table 7-4. 5026A-H Relative Humidity Calibration Points
Relative Humidity at Temperature
20% 20 °C
45% 20 °C
70% 20 °C
Temperature and Humidity Measurement Errors
The temperature and humidity measurement errors for the sensor are obtained at each of
the calibration points. This test is performed to obtain as found data for the calibration
report, if necessary, and adjustment data, and then repeated after adjustments are made to
obtain as left data for the calibration report. Temperature measurements are in degrees
Celsius. For each calibration point Tn and RHn, do the following:
1. Set the temperature and humidity set-point.
2. Allow four hours for settling after the temperature and humidity set-points are
reached before collecting data.
3. Measure the temperature with the 5026A-x probe and compare it with the
temperature read from the reference thermometer in the chamber to obtain the
temperature measurement error:
)()(2626)( TnTreferenceTnxTTnTerror −−=
Measure the relative humidity using the 5026A-x probe and compare it with the
relative humidity read from the chamber to obtain the humidity measurement
)()(2626)( RHnRHchamberRHnxRHRHnRHerror −−=
Temperature and Humidity Adjustments
Adjustments to the 5026A-x calibration parameters are required when measurement
errors are excessive or outside of the specification. The calibration parameters can be
accessed using the SENSOR CAL function in the CHANNEL menu. The password is
required to change the parameters. Calculation of new calibration parameters requires