Digital Communications Interface
Interface Commands 6
*OPT? Returns configuration options
*RST Sets the instrument operating parameters to defined
*SRE? Returns the Service Request Enable register
*SRE <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF Sets the Service Request Enable register
*STB? Returns the Status Byte register
*TST? [<bool>] Returns the self-test results (0: startup test; 1: new
ALARm:BATTery? Returns the battery alarm event
ALARm:BATTery:ENABle? Returns the state of the battery alarm enable
ALARm:BATTery:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the battery alarm
ALARm:BEEP? Returns the state of the alarm beep enable
ALARm:BEEP <bool> Enables or disables the alarm beep
ALARm:CLEar Clears the alarm events
ALARm:DATE:FIRST? Returns the date of the first alarm event
ALARm:DATE:LAST? Returns the date of the latest alarm event
ALARm:DISPlay? Returns the state of the alarm display enable
ALARm:DISPlay <bool> Enables or disables the alarm display
ALARm:POWer? Returns the power loss alarm event
ALARm:POWer:ENABle? Returns the state of the power loss alarm enable
ALARm:POWer:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the power loss alarm
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:LOW? Returns the state of the low humidity alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:LOW:ENABle? Returns the state of the low humidity alarm enable for
the specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:LOW:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the low humidity alarm enable for
the specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:RATE? Returns the state of the humidity rate alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:RATE:ENABle? Returns the state of the humidity rate alarm enable for
the specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:RATE:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the humidity rate alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:RATE:LIMit? Returns the humidity rate alarm limit for the specified
Sets the humidity rate alarm limit for the specified
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:SENSor? Returns the state of the humidity sensor alarm for the
specified channel