MR850 Technical Manual * Revision J * Issued November 2005 * Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
History Change for all model except JHU & GJU
Introduction Serial Number Comments
A 4.40 19 September 1998 9885xxx00000 First production release.
A 4.44 22 October 1998 Software upgrade.
C 5.12 12 April 1999 9985xxx00053 Release of new PCB to
accommodate change in
temperature probe circuit
C 5.13 5 May 1999 Software upgrade.
D 5.13 14 January 2000 2000-85xxx00028 Release of new PCB to
improve manufacture.
D 5.23 3 April 2000 2000-85xxx01661 Software upgrade for low flow
control stability.
D 5.33 25 July 2000 2000-85xxx02806 Software upgrade, allowing
Neonatal volume ventilation
capability. Manual
Temperature Compensation
(TC) implemented.
D 5.34 11 October 2000 2000-85xxx04212 Software upgrade to improve
EMI immunity.
D 5.45 19 February 2001 2001-85xxx00427 Software upgrade.
D 6.00 15 November 2001 Only released as
software upgrade kits.
Software upgrade.
Introduction of the automatic
and manual Humidity
Compensation (HC) mode.
Added time delay to the OFF
button. Enable low
temperature alarm in stand-by.
D 7.00 2 April 2002 2002-85xxx00976 Software upgrade.
Improve HC speed in Non-
invasive mode.
F&P Co-axial circuit
recognition and control.
D 7.14 22 April 2003 2003-85xxx009621
Software upgrade.
Auto HC increased to +5 °C.
Diagnostic menu changes.
Added Non-heater wire
D 7.17 31 July 2003 2003-85xxx013518 Software upgrade.
D 7.22 28 May 2004 2004-85xxx006024 PTS access through serial
Humidifier model protection.
E 7.22 2 July 2004 2004-85xxx008200 Release of new PCB capable
of selective soldering.