MR850 Technical Manual * Revision J * Issued November 2005 * Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
9 Recommended Maintenance Checklist
This sheet can be copied and used to keep a record of the maintenance procedures carried out
on your MR850 Humidifier(s), and probes. Place the serial number and the date that the
maintenance was carried out in the spaces provided. Refer to section 5 for a description of the
maintenance procedures required.
9.1 Humidifier Check (Annually)
Visual Checks Performance
Electrical Safety Signature
and Date
1. Mains Cable
2. Heater Plate
3. Heater Wire
1. Calibration
2. Display Check
1. Earth Resistance
2. Insulation Resistance
3. Earth Leakage
4. Other tests as required
9.2 Probe Check (Every six months)
Batch ID Visual Checks Performance Checks Signature
and Date
1. Check Glass Thermistor
2. Check for Foreign Deposits
3. Check Cable for Kinks, etc.
4. Check Probe Connectors
1. Temperature Accuracy
2. Flow Accuracy