MR850 Technical Manual * Revision J * Issued November 2005 * Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
3 Specifications
3.1 Mechanical
Dimensions: 140 mm x 173 x 135 (without chamber fitted)
Weight: 2.8 kg (without chamber fitted)
Approx. 3.1 kg (with chamber fitted, and filled with water)
3.2 Electrical
MR850 Model Number Supply Voltage Supply Current
230 V~
127 V~
115 V~
100 V~
1.0 A Max
1.8 A Max
2.0 A Max
2.4 A Max
Supply Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz, Sine Wave
Heater Plate Capacity 150 W at nominal mains voltage
HP Thermal Cutout: 118 ± 6 °C
Heater Wire Supply: 22 ± 5 V~, 2.73 A Max, 50 or 60 Hz
Maximum Heater Wire Load: 8.0 Ω.
3.3 Temperature Range
3.3.1 Heater Wire Mode
Invasive Mode: Chamber Set Point: 35.5 to 37 °C
Chamber Set Point: 35.5 to 40 °C (versions 5.33, 5.34, 5.45, 5.70,
6.00, 7.00, 7.21).
Chamber Set Point: 35.5 to 42 °C (versions 7.14, 7.17 & 7.22).
Airway Set Point: 35 to 40 °C
Non-Invasive Mode: Chamber Set Point: 31 °C
Chamber Set Point: 31 to 34 °C (versions 5.33, 5.34, 5.45, 5.70,
Chamber Set Point: 31 to 36 °C (versions 7.00, 7.14, 7.17, 7.21,
Airway Set Point: 28 to 34 °C
3.3.2 Non Heater Wire Mode
Invasive Mode: Airway Set point: 37 °C (chamber temperature limited to 66 °C)
Non-invasive Mode: Airway Set point: 31 °C (chamber temperature limited to 66 °C)
Display: Three digit, 14 mm, 7 segment LED
Range: 10 to 70 °C
Accuracy: ± 0.3 °C (in 25 to 45 °C temperature range)
3.3.3 Alarm Parameters
High Temperature Alarm: Causes an immediate, audible and visible alarm at a displayed
temperature of 41 °C or if the airway temperature exceeds 43 °C
(see section 4.3)
Temperature Alarm: Invasive Mode
After 10 minutes @ 29.5 °C causes an audible and visible alarm.
After 60 minutes @ 34.5 °C causes an audible and visible alarm
(see section 4.5)
NOTE: The temperature indicator lights if the displayed
temperature drops below 35.4 °C, initially providing a temperature