
Parameter Description
l channel: Channel-based load-balancing balances clients across channels. This is the default
load-balancing mode
l radio: Radio-based load-balancing balances clients across APs.
Spectrum Load
Balancing Interval
Specify how often spectrum load balancing calculations are made (in seconds). The supported
range is 1-2147483647 seconds and the default value is 30 seconds.
Spectrum Load
Balancing threshold
If the spectrum load balancing feature is enabled, this parameter controls the percentage
difference between number of clients on a channel that triggers load balancing. The default
value is 20%, meaning that spectrum load balancing is activated when there are 20% more
clients on one channel than on another channel used by the AP radio.
Spectrum Load
Balancing Domain
Enter a spectrum load balancing domain name to manually create RF neighborhoods.
Use this option to create RF neighborhood information for networks that have disabled Adaptive
Radio Management (ARM) scanning and channel assignment.
l If spectrum load balancing is enabled in a 802.11a or 802.11g radio profile but the spectrum
load balancing domain is
defined, ArubaOS uses the ARM feature to calculate RF
l If spectrum load balancing is enabled in a 802.11a or 802.11g radio profile and a spectrum
load balancing domain
defined, AP radios belonging to the same spectrum load
balancing domain will be considered part of the same RF neighborhood for load balancing,
and will not recognize RF neighborhoods defined by the ARM feature.
Advanced 802.11a/802.11g Settings
CSA Count Number of channel switch announcements that must be sent prior to switching to a new
channel. The default CSA count is 4 announcements.
Beacon Period Beacon Period for the AP in msec. The minimum value is 60 msec, and the default value is 100
Beacon Regulate Enable this setting to introduce randomness in the beacon generation so that multiple APs on the
same channel do not send beacons at the same time.
Advertised Regulatory
Work around a known issue on Cisco 7921G telephones by specifying a cap for a radio’s
maximum equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP). When you enable this parameter, even if
the regulatory approved maximum for a given channel is higher than this EIRP cap, the AP radio
using this profile will advertise only this capped maximum EIRP in its radio beacons.
The supported range is 1-31dBm.
ARM/WIDS Override If selected, this option disables Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) and Wireless IDS functions
and slightly increases packet processing performance. If a radio is configured to operate in Air
Monitor mode, then the ARM/WIDS functions are always enabled, regardless of whether or not
this check box is selected.
Management Frame
Throttle Interval
Averaging interval for rate limiting management frames from this radio, in seconds. A
management frame throttle interval of 0 seconds disables rate limiting.
Management Frame
Throttle Limit
Maximum number of management frames that can come in from this radio in each throttle
Maximum Distance Maximum client distance, in meters. This value is used to derive ACK and CTS timeout times. A
value of 0 specifies default settings for this parameter, where timeouts are only modified for
outdoor mesh radios which use a distance of 16km.
The upper limit for this parameter varies from 24km–58km, depending on the radio’s band (a/g)
and 20/40 MHz mode. Note that if you configure a value above the supported maximum, the
maximum supported value will be used instead. Values below 600m will use default settings.
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide AccessPoints(APs) | 427