Read the owner's manual and safety rules before operating your pressure washer.
Compare the illustrationswith your pressure washer to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls
and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Accessory Tray
Fuel Tank Throttle Lever
Choke Lever
Recoil Starter
(on front of engine)
Extension with
Quick Connect
Spray Tips
Oil Fill Cap
Chemical Injection
High Pressure
Spray Gun Water Inlet Outlet
Data Tag
Pump equipped with
Automatic Cool Down System
ACCesSOry Tray_ PrOvides convenient storage for High Pressure Hose (n0t Sh0wn) _ €0nn_t one end
standard and optional accessoriesisuch as tothe water purnp and the ether end to the spray gun
tUrb0 wandsi eCt High Pressure outlet _ To connect high
Air Filtar. Protects engine by filtering dust and debris hose.
_Ut0f intake air Nozzle Extension With Quick C0nneCt _ AIIo_S you to
Automatic Cool Down System _ Cycles water through switch between fou_ different spray tips and turbo no_le
pump when water reaches 125%155"F, Warm water will ........ Oil Fill Cap _FiH engine wffh oil here: See page7 for
discharge from pump onto grOUnd This System prevents oil fill
Pump -- Deve ops h gh pressure.
Chemica! injection @iphon!FUter _Use t_ SiPh0n ;.
Recoil Starter Use for starting the engine manually
detergent 0r 0_er pressure washer Chemicals int0 the
10wpressure stream Spray Gun---controls the application of water onto
clean=ngsurface w=ththgger dewce Includes safety
Ch°ke Lever _ Prepares a _old engine
Data Tag _ Provides model, revision and serial _
Spray Tips-- Chemical injectioni 0 ,15 i and 40
number of pressure washer_ Please have these readdy . . . .
V "1 ' I' f r ' vanous h_ghpressure cleaning apphcatlons
a a ablelfcallng e assistance ......................................................................................................................
i Li T__,. _.ill_.L_,.i i_.,.L.... i..i , ..;L...,.._,_ ..i _1 ... _. Throttle Lever--sets engine in starting mode
ie verboml_ _.faei x an ion.............................................. recod starterand stopsarunnmg engine ......................
a i i i i e P s
FuelValve _ Used to turn fuel on and off Water ]n!et _ Connect garden hose here.