Problem Cause Correction
1. LOWpressure spray tip installed. !. Rep!ace Spray t!p With high
pressure spray tip.
2i water inlet is bleckedi 2. Clearinleti
3. inadequate water supply. 3. provide adequate water f!_
4_ Inlet hose is kinked or leaking. 4. Straighten inlet hose; patch
i leak.
Pump has following problems: .....................................................................................................................
fa ure tO produce pressure 5. c 0gged in et hose Stra net 5" Check and clean net hose
erratic pressurei chatteringi !0ss ,strainer •
Of pressurei!o TM water v0!umei 6i water supply isever i00_F. 16. Provide cooler water supply
High pressure hose is blocked 7. clear blocks in Outlet
orleaks, i
8i Gunleaksi 8. Replace gun.
9. spray tip is Obstructed. 9. clean spray tip.
10i Pump is faulty. 10. Contact Sears service facility:
li Detergent Siphoning tube is not 1. Insert detergent siphoning tube
submerged into detergent.
2. Chemica! fi!ter is clogged or 2. Clean or replace filter/detergent
Detergent fails to mix with sprayi cracked: siphoning tube.
3i Dirty in-line filter. 3. see !'Check In;Line Filter'!i
4. High pressure spray tip 4. Rep!ace splay tip with !ew
installedi pressure spray tip:
Eh in r n _h i _ ; IEngine speed is too slowi Move throttle control te FAST
g e u sg0oeat 0_0aoeut i _osition if engine still l,bogs d0Wnil,
,bogs, when load is added: Contact sears service facility:
!. Low Oil love!. !. Fi!l Crankcase _ proper love!.
2i Dirty air cleaner; 2. Clean or replace air cleaner;
3 outefgasolinei 3. Fillfueltank.
4. Stale gase!ine. 4. Drain gas tank; fi!! with fresh
5 spark plug wire not connected 5. Connectwi_ _o sparkp!ug.
Engine will net start; or Starts & Bad spark plug: 6. Replace spark plug:
andron ough
" I Wateii" IZ. Drain gastank; fill with fresh
8i Overchoking; 8. Open choke fully and cran_
9. Excessive!y rich _e! mixture. 9. C0ntaCt sears Se_iCe facility
10i Intake valve stuck open or 10. Contact Sears service facility:
CloSed. I
!1 Engine has !est compression. !!. Contact sears se_ice facility4
Engine Shuts d0wn during Out Ofgasoline Fill fuel tank.
OperatiOn; I
Engine lacks power. Dirty air filter_ Replace air filter_
Ehine 'ihunts" 0r faiters Choke isopened too soon: ,M0Ve Choke to halfway pOSitionuntil
iI e,gine runs S_00thly