in vicinity of equipment inuse.
' DO NOT secure sprayg un in open position
,DO NOT ]eave spray gun unattended while machine is
running •
, NEVER use a spray gun which does not have atrigger
!ock 0r trigger guard in p!ace and in working order.
,Always be certain spray gun, nozzles and accessories
are correct!y attached.
.. DO NOT Operate pressure washer above rated pressure:
, !f you have questi0ns abo_ intended use, ask dealer or
contact sears.
,NEVER operate units with broken or missing parts;or
without protective housing or covers.
,DO NOT by_ass any Safety device on this
,Before starting pressure washer in ceJdweather; check
a!I parts 0f _he equipment to be sure ice has not formed
,NEVER move machine by pulling on high pressure hose.
USe handle Provided on unit.
, Check fueJ system for leaks or signs of deterioration,
such as chafed or spongy hosei loose or missing
ClamPS;Or damaged tank or cap cerrect a!l defects
bef0re operating pressure washer.
, This equipment is designed to be used with Sears
authorized parts ONLY. !f equipment is USed _ith parts
that DO NOT comply With minimum specificationsi user
assumes aJ! risks and !labilities