Spark Arrester Service
Your engine is not factory-equipped with a spark arrester. In
some areas,it is illegal to operatean engine without aspark
arrester. Checklocal laws and regulations. A spark arrester is
availablefrom your nearestSearsservicecenter. If you need
to order a spark arrester, pleasecall 1-SOO-4-MY-HOIVlE
Thespark arrester must be serviced every 100 hours to keep
it functioning asdesigned.
If the engine has been running,the muffler will bevery hot.
Allow the muffler to cool before servicing the spark arrester.
s_ Contact with muffler area can result in serious
_ Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.
. DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases.
* Allowequipmentto coolbeforetouching.
. Keepatleast5feet (152cm) ofclearanceonallsidesof
* Codeof FederalRegulation(CFR)Title36Parks,Forests,and
combustionengineto haveasparkarrester,maintainedin
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442oftheCalifornia
1. Removethe two 8 mm nuts (A) and remove muffler (B)
from cylinder.
2. Removethe three 4 mm screws (C) from exhaust
deflector (D),and remove deflector.
3. Removethe four 5 mm screws (E) from muffler
protector (F) and remove muffler protector.
4. Remove4 mm screws (G) from spark arrester (H)and
remove spark arrester from muffler.
5. Usea brush to remove carbon deposits from spark
arrestor screen. Becareful to avoid damagingscreen.
IMPORTANT:The spark arrestor screen must befree of
breaks and holes. Replacespark arrestor if it is damaged.
6. Install spark arrestor, muffler protector, exhaust
deflector and muffler in reverseorder of disassembly.
Sediment Cup Cleaning
1. Movefuel valve to "Off" position, then remove fuel
sedimentcup (J) and o-fin((K).
Wash sedimentcup ando-ring in nonflammablesolvent.
Dry thoroughly.
Placeo-ring in fuel valve and install sediment cup.
Tighten sediment cup securely.
Move fuel valve to "On" position and checkfor leaks.
Replaceo-ring if there is any leakage.