Service Air Cleaner
Your engine will not run properly and may be damagedif you
run it with a dirty air cleaner.
Cleanthe air cleaneronceevery 50 hours of operation or
3 months, whichever comes first. Service more often if
operating under dirty or dusty conditions. Replacethe paper
filter element once every300 hours or oncea year,
whichevercomes first. Replacementsare availableatyour
local Searsservicecenter.
Toservice the air cleaner, follow these steps:
1. Removewing nut (A) from air cleanercover (B), and
remove cover.
2. Removewing nut (C) fromair filter(O),and remove
3. Removefoam filter(E)from paper filter.
4. Inspectboth airfilterelements. Replaceifdamaged.
5. Cleanpaper air filterelement by tapping filter on a hard
surface to removedirt, or blowcompressed air (not
exceeding30 psi) through filter elementfrom inside.
IMPORTANT:NEVERtry to brush off dirt; brushing will force
dirt into fibers.
6. Cleanfoam air filter element in warm soapy water, rinse
and allow to dry thoroughly. Or clean in nonflammable
solventand allow to dry. Dip foam filter element in clean
engine oil, then squeezeout all excessoil.
IMPORTANT:Enginewill smokewhen started if too much oil
is left in foam.
7. Usinga moist rag,wipe dirt from inside of air cleaner
baseand cover. Becareful to prevent dirt from entering
air duct that leadsto the carburetor.
8. Placefoam air filter element over paperelement and
reinstall assembledair filter. Besure gasket is in place
beneathair filter. Tighten air filter wing nut securely.
9. Install air cleanercover andtighten cover wing nut
NOTE:You can purchase newair filter elements by calling
Checkand adjust the spark plug every 100 hours of
operation or yearly, whichever occurs first. Replacethe spark
plug every300 hours of operation or yearly, whichever
occurs first.
1. Cleanarea around spark plug.
2. Removeand inspect spark plug.
3. Replacespark plug if electrodesare worn, or if insulator
is cracked or chipped.
4. Checkelectrode gap with wire feeler gaugeand set gap
at 0.028-0.031 inches (0.70-0.80 ram), if necessary.
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5. install spark plug, tighten securely.
NOTE:You can purchasea new spark plug by calling
if you think your carburetor needsadjusting, seeyour
nearest Searsservice center. Engineperformance may be
affected ataltitudes above 5000 feet. Foroperation at higher
elevations,contact your nearestSearsservicecenter.