3. Removespraytipfromendofnozzleextension.
4. Useasmallpapercliptofreeanyforeignmaterial
5. Removenozzleextension from spray gun.
6. Using a garden hose, remove additional debris by back
flushing water through nozzle extension. Back flush
between 30 to 60 seconds.
7. Reinstallspray tip into nozzleextension.
8. Reconnectnozzleextensionto spraygun.
9. Makesure garden hose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connectedto spraygun
and pump. Turn on water.
10. Start engine following instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
11. Test pressure washer by operating with each quick
connect spray tip.
O-Ring Maintenance
Purchasean O-Ring RepairKitat your localSearsor bycalling
1-800-4-1VlY-HOIVlE(469-4663) or onlineatwww.sears.com.It
is notincludedwith thepressurewasher.This kit includes
replacemento-rings,rubberwasherandwater inletfilter. Referto
the instructionsheetprovidedin thekit to serviceyour unit's
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
_ quipment produces cancut through skin and its
underlyingtissues, leadingto serious injury and
• NEVERrepairleakingconnectionswith sealantof anykind.
Replaceo-ringor seal.
Pump Maintenance
Changeoil after first 50 hours of operation andthen every
200 hours or 3 months, whichever occurs first.
NOTE:When changing pump oil, use only high quality
nondetergent30 weight oil. Useno special additives.
Changepumpoil as follows:
1. Cleanareaaround brass oil drain plug at bottom of
2. Removeoil drain plug. Drainoil completely into an
3. Whenoil hascompletely drained,install oil drain plug
and tighten firmly.
4. Cleanareaaround pump oil dipstick. Remove dipstick
and fill pump with recommendedoil to "Full" mark on
dipstick (typically 0.35L or 12 oz.).
5. Install pump oil dipstick.
6. Wipe up any spilled oil.