Using The All-Position Leveling Base
To use the All-Position Leveling Base inconjunction with the Patm Grip Laser
Level, it is best to place the level on the base for preliminary alignment of the
laser line on the wail.
1. Without turning the Laser Level on, place it on the Al_-Position Leveling Base..
3_vomagnets (one in the bottom of the laser and one in the top of the base)
hold the base and the level together_ This sphedcaVmagnetic design allows
adjustment for horizontal (level) and vertical (plumb) of the laser line..
2. Once the level is on the base, turn the level "ON" being careful not to point
the laser line in the direction of anyone's eyes including your own..
3o Place the level/base assembly on the wall and position the line across the
surface(s) and at the approximate height you want to draw a level line,
Leveling The Palm Grip Laser Level On
All-Position Leveling Base (See Fig. 10)
There are two level vials (x, y) on the top of
the Palm Grip Laser Level and a third vial
located on the side (z)of the laser level (Fig°
1 #5)° With the AIFPosition Leveling Base
and the Palm Grip Laser Level connected,
align the bubble of one or both of the
(x,y) or (z) vials° This will allow for horizontal
(level) or vertical (plumb) level adjustments
(Fig. !0),
Fig. 10
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