This Palm Grip Laser Level has been designed to be a low-maintenance tool
However, in order to maintain its performance, you must always follow these
simple directions°
1, ALWAYS handle the tool with care, Treat it as an optical device, such as a
camera or binoculars,,
2oAVOID exposing the tool to shock, continuous vibration or extreme hot or
cold temperature.
3, ALWAYS store the tool indoors.,When not in use, ALWAYS store the tool in
its protective case.
4. ALWAYS keep the tool free of dust and liquids,, If needed, use ONLY a soft
cloth or cotton swab and glass cleaner to clean the laser emitting window,
5. ALWAYS clean and thoroughly dry the tool after each use,
6. Check the batteries regularly to avoid deterioration° ALWAYS remove the
batteries from the tool if it is not going to be used for an extended period of
7o DO NOT disassemble the Palm Grip Laser Level.,This wili not only void the
warranty, but coutd expose the user to hazardous radiation exposure,,
8. DO NOT attempt to change any part of the laser lens,,
9, ALWAYS remove the Magstic adhesive material from the wall surface
immediately after use and place the protective tabs back on the adhesive for
storage° Ifthe Magstic material gets soiled, it can be cleaned with a damp
10, Magstic is intended to be used on smooth surfaces only. Magstic is NOT
intended to be used on rough textured or rough wall-papered walls°
11. Do not remove Magstic from the base of the tool unless new Magstic is
required. Removing Magstic from the base of the tool will damage the
adhesive strips and they will no longer be usable.
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