Batteries are weak Replace with new batteries
The tool is too far Move the too! closer to the target
from the target
Power button is not Check to make sure the power button
The Laser line
projection is weak
The Laser line is
hard to see
The Laser Fineis
not projected
The Laser line
projected is not
Magstic adhesive
is not adhering to
Magstic adhesive
is not adhering to
the tool
Polarity of the
batteries isincorrect
The level bubbles
of the vials are not
Magstlc isdirty
Magstic adhesive
has expired
"Wall Side" of the
adhesive isused
on the tool
Magstic adhesive
has expired
is in the "ON" position
Reinstallthe batteries according to
the polarity indicatorin the battery
Attach the laser level to the precision
leveling base and turn adjustment
knobs untilthe bubbles are centered
inthe middle of the two reference
Clean Magsttc thoroughly with a damp
cloth and let dry
Replace Magstlc material
Make sure the "Tool Side" of the
adhesive Is used on the base of the
Replace Magstlc material
V A = = ¥
The Laser Level Model Number is found on the cover of this manual. Always
mention the Model Number when ordering replacement Magstic adhesive strips.
Parts No, Part Description ...............Quantity
3703724001 Magstic 6 Pieces
48291 Manuel. Revlsed_O_-0907 Page15