Inspection and Service each 6 Months or 6,000 Miles
Suspension I Inspect for bending loose fh._- ] Sectinn H] 2 I0
I /
tenets, W_rar
• Frumc members
- Welds
• Slide-oul
Inspection and Service Each Year or 12,000 Miles
Inspect all fi'ame members_ bolls
&rivets Repair or replace dam-
aged, worn oF broken parls
lnspcctall wctdg Repair as
Clean dirt buikl-up !.ubricatc
Mnnual Section Rel'etenee
Section I0 2 2
Section I0 2 2 1
Section 10 2 2 2
Structure Section I0 2 I
• AxleAttachment Boll_
10,2 Inspection and Serviee Instructions
10o2oI Axle Boils, Frame, Suspension, & Structure
\Vorn or broken sttspetlsion paris can cause loss of control and
property damage, serious injmy and death may result Have
traitet professionally inspected mmually and alter any impact
To perform many of the inspection and maintenance activities, 3ou must jack up the
When jacking and using jack stands, place them so as to clear wMng and suspension
parts (springs, torsion bars, etc) Place jacks and jack stands inside of the perimeter
strip on the supporting structure to which the axles are attached
Never crawl under your trailer unless it is on firm and level glound
and resting on properly placed and secured jack stands
Never attempt to change the tire while traiter is in folded
position Ti'aiIer can tip over
Faitme to heed these warnings could result in property damage,
serious injury and death