Tires for light trucks have other markings besides those lSund on the sidewalls of
passenger tires
LT: The %T" indicates the ti_e is fbr light tracks ol trailers
ST: An "ST" is an indication the the is for tlai[er use only
Max,, Load Dual kg (Ib) at kPa (psi) Cold: This inl:blmation indicates the
maximum load arid tire pressure when the tire is used as a dual, that is, when four
tires ale put on each rear axle (a total of six ol more tires on the vehicte)
Max,, Load Single kg (lb) at kPa (psi) Cold: This infbrmation indicates the
maximum load and the pressule when the tire is used as a single
Load Range: This infolmation identifies the tiEe's load-crowing capabilities and
its inflation limits
6.&tt Tire Safety Tips
64,I1.1 Pieventing l'ir'e Damage
• Slow down if you have to go ovm a pothole or other object in the road
• Do not run over curbs or othet fbreign objects in the roadway, and try. not to
strike the curb when parking
6°4°I1,,2 Tire Sa I_:t3, Checklist
• Check tire pressure regularly (at least once a naonth), including the spate
• Inspect thes lot uneven were patterns on the tread, cracks, fbreign objects, or
other signs of wear of trauma
• Remove bits of glass and lbreign objects wedged in the tiead
. Make sine your tile valves have valve caps
• Check tile ptessm_e before going on a tong t_ip
• Do not ovmload your vehicle
6,5 Changing a Flat Tile
6_5ol If'possible, get the Trailer on level ground
65,2 Keep the Trailer coupled to the Fow Vehicle and engage the Fow Vehicle's
emergency brake
Never attempt to change the tile while trailer is in folded
position trailer can tip over
Failule to heed this warning could result in property damage, seri-
ous injm'y and death