Lug Nuts: Tightening Sequence, 3brque Requirements
- Before unfbldhag your lrailer, remove the plastic Zip Tie holding the Locking Pin
to the Tongue of the trailer Do not cut the Lanyard (_rT................-_ Locking Pin
!,_>".... Lanyard
Lug nuts are prone to loosen al_er initial installation possibly causing
the wheel to separate from the trailer leading to property damage, death
or serious h!jury
• Check lug nuts fk_rtightness on a new trailer or when wheel(s) have
been remounted after the tirst t 0, 25 and 50 miles o[ d_lying and
after any intpact
• Lug nuts lot the tires must be tightened by the user belb_e each use
• Sears cannot be held responsible for damages caused by loosened
lug nuts
• Before towing the Tlailer; you must ensme the lug nuts are tightened to the ploper
• "[lie torque requirements tbr the Lug Nuts are 95 - t20 It,/Ib Do not exceed 120
ft ilb of torque Tighten the Lug Nuts in the sequence below befm*e you leave the
Tighten tug nuts
in the fo|lowing
Verify the proper PSI for your tile
• Tire pressure for the t2" _im & tire should be at 80 psi
Foltow posted speed limits but do not exceed 65 mph
_efore loading Trailer, Trailer must be propm ly connected to
the Tow Vehicle to stabilize the Trailer Failure to f611ow this
warning could result in propeily damage, personal injury and