Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
session target (VoATM)
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
session target (VoATM)
To specify a network-specific address for a specified VoATM dial peer, use the session target command
in dial-peer configuration mode. To restore default values for this parameter, use the no form of this
Cisco 3600 Series Routers Voice over ATM Dial Peers
session target interface pvc {name | vpi/vci | vci}
no session target
Cisco MC3810 Multiservice Concentrator Voice over ATM Dial Peers
session target {serial | atm} interface pvc {word | vpi/vci | vci} cid
no session target
Syntax Description
Defaults The default for this command is enabled with no IP address or domain name defined.
Command Modes Dial-peer configuration
serial Specifies the serial interface for the dial-peer address.
atm Specifies the ATM interface. The only valid number is 0.
interface Interface type and interface number on the router.
pvc The specific ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) for this dial peer.
word (Optional) A name that identifies the PVC. The argument can identify
the PVC if a word identifier was assigned when the PVC was created.
name The PVC name.
vpi/vci ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel
identifier (VCI) of this PVC.
On the Cisco 3600, if you have the Multiport T1/E1 ATM network
module with IMA installed, the valid range for vpi is from 0 to 5, and
the valid range for vci is from 1 to 255.
If you have the OC3 ATM Network Module installed, the valid range
for vpi is from 0 to 15, and the valid range for vci is from 1 to 1023.
vci ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) of this PVC.
cid ATM network channel identifier (CID) of this PVC. The valid range
is from 8 to 255.