Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show rlm group timer
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
show rlm group timer
To display the current timer values, use the show rlm group timer command in privileged EXEC mode.
show rlm group group-number timer
Syntax Description
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show rlm group group-number timer command:
Router# show rlm group 1 timer
RLM Group 1 Timer Values
open_wait = 3s force-down = 30s
recovery = 12s switch-link = 5s
minimum-up = 60s retransmit = 1s
keepalive = 1s
Table 90 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
group-number RLM group number (0 to 255).
Release Modification
11.3(7) This command was introduced.
Table 53 show rlm group timer Field Descriptions
Field Description
open_wait Wait for the connection request to be acknowledged.
recovery Time to allow the link to recover to backup link before declaring the link
is down.
minimum-up Minimum time to force RLM to stay in the down state to make sure the
remote end detects the link state is down.
keepalive A keepalive packet will be sent out from network access server to CSC
force-down Minimum time to force RLM to stay in the down state to make sure that
the remote end detects that the link state is down.
switch-link The maximum transition period allows RLM to switch from a lower
preference link to a higher preference link. If the switching link does not
complete successfully before this timer expires, RLM will go into the
recovery state.
retransmit Because RLM is operating under UDP, it needs to resend the control
packet if the packet is not acknowledged within this retransmit interval.