Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show csm
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
show csm
To display the call switching module (CSM) statistics for a particular digital signal processor (DSP)
channel or all DSP channels or for a specific modem or DSP channel, use the show csm command in
privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Server
show csm {modem [slot/port | modem-group-number] | voice [slot/dspm/dsp/dsp-channel]}
Cisco AS5800 Universal Access Server
show csm voice [shelf/slot/port]
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines This command shows the information related to CSM, which includes the DSP channel, the start time of
the call, the end time of the call, and the channel on the controller used by the call.
Use the show csm modem command to display the CSM call statistic information for a specific modem,
for a group of modems, or for all modems. If a slot/port argument is specified, then CSM call statistics
are displayed for the specified modem. If the modem-group-number argument is specified, the CSM call
statistics for all of the modems associated with that modem group are displayed. If no keyword is
specified, CSM call statistics for all modems on the Cisco AS5300 universal access server are displayed.
modem Specifies CSM call statistics for modems.
voice Specifies CSM call statistics for DSP channels.
slot/port (Optional) Specifies the location (and thereby the identity) of a specific
modem-group-number (Optional) Displays configuration for the dial peer identified by the
argument modem-group-number. Valid entries are any integers that
identify a specific dial peer, from 1 to 32767.
slot/dspm/dsp/dsp-channel (Optional) Identifies the location of a particular DSP channel.
shelf/slot/port (Optional) Identifies the location of the voice interface card.
Release Modification
11.3 NA This command was introduced.
12.0(3)T Port-specific values for the Cisco AS5300 universal access server were
12.0(7)T Port-specific values for the Cisco AS5800 were added.