
View menu
The ‘View’ menu covers viewing options available to the user. The menu
consists of the following items:
Numbers allows the user to enable or disable the display of seat numbers
beneath icons in a layout (refer to page 3-5 or 4-3).
Small/Large Icons allows the user to display the layout icons in normal
or reduced size (refer to page 3-6 or 4-3).
Grid allows the user to display a background grid on the synoptic layout
(refer to page 3-6).
Rotate Image allows the user to rotate the synoptic layout by 90° in a
clockwise direction (refer to page 4-4).
Action Box allows the user to display the action box on-screen (refer to
page 4-6).
Settings allows the user to display system status information (refer to
page 4-7).
Red background for active mics allow the user to display active micro-
phones with a red background (refer to pages 3-6, 4-4).
Settings menu
The ‘Settings’ menu covers various user-specified settings options. The
menu consists of the following items:
System Mic Mode... allows the user to alter the parameters within the
‘System Microphone Mode’ dialogue box (refer to page 3-13).
Mic Activity... allows the user to alter the parameters within the ‘Micro-
phone Activity’ dialogue box (refer to page 3-15).
Microphone Test... allows the user to initiate microphone testing (refer
to page 4-10).
Select Grid... allows the user to specify the scale of the grid (refer to
page 3-6).
Snap allows the user to automatically align icons to the grid (refer to
page 3-7).
Auto Numbers allows the user to specify automatic numbering for all
icons added to a synoptic layout (refer to page 3-5).
Attention Tone allows the user to enable an attention tone that sounds
when the priority key on a chairman unit is pressed (refer to page 3-16).
Ambient Microphone allows the user to enable a microphone located in
the conference venue for picking up ambient sound. (refer to
page 3-16).
Digital Congress Network Synoptic Microphone Control
Page A-3 Software User Manual