
Switching microphones off - to switch an active microphone off:
Click on the active microphone icon.
In ‘Operator with Request List’ mode and ‘Operator with Request and
Response List’, clicking on an active microphone icon turns the micro-
phone off but does not remove it from the speakers list. Clicking on the
icon again turns the microphone back on.
In ‘Delegate with Request List’ mode, turning an active microphone off
causes a shift action to occur. If there is a request-to-speak list, then the
first microphone in the request-to-speak list is automatically promoted to
fill this space. All other microphones on the request-to-speak list are
shifted up one place.
In ‘Delegate with Override’ mode, clicking on an active microphone
turns the microphone off and removes it from the speakers list. There is
no automatic replacement facility.
NOTE: The delegate at the top of the request-to-speak list will automatically
be promoted to the speakers list when a delegate on the speakers list switch-
es his/her microphone off.
Clearing all requests-to-speak - this can only be carried out in either ‘Dele-
gate with Request List’, ‘Operator with Request and Response List’ or ‘Oper-
ator with Request List’ mode. If you wish to clear all requests-to-speak:
Click on the ‘Clear Requests!’ option on the menu bar, or click on the
‘Clear Requests’ push button in the action box.
Action box - the ‘Shift!’ and ‘Clear Requests!’ options on the menu bar can
be displayed as an action box with push buttons for these two functions. To
display the action box
Select the ‘View’ menu and click on ‘Action Box’.
Synoptic Microphone Control Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 4-6