Switching microphones off - to switch an active microphone off:
• Click on the active microphone icon.
• In ‘Operator with Request List’ mode and ‘Operator with Request and
Response List’, clicking on an active microphone icon turns the micro-
phone off but does not remove it from the speakers list. Clicking on the
icon again turns the microphone back on.
• In ‘Delegate with Request List’ mode, turning an active microphone off
causes a shift action to occur. If there is a request-to-speak list, then the
first microphone in the request-to-speak list is automatically promoted to
fill this space. All other microphones on the request-to-speak list are
shifted up one place.
• In ‘Delegate with Override’ mode, clicking on an active microphone
turns the microphone off and removes it from the speakers list. There is
no automatic replacement facility.
NOTE: The delegate at the top of the request-to-speak list will automatically
be promoted to the speakers list when a delegate on the speakers list switch-
es his/her microphone off.
Clearing all requests-to-speak - this can only be carried out in either ‘Dele-
gate with Request List’, ‘Operator with Request and Response List’ or ‘Oper-
ator with Request List’ mode. If you wish to clear all requests-to-speak:
• Click on the ‘Clear Requests!’ option on the menu bar, or click on the
‘Clear Requests’ push button in the action box.
Action box - the ‘Shift!’ and ‘Clear Requests!’ options on the menu bar can
be displayed as an action box with push buttons for these two functions. To
display the action box
• Select the ‘View’ menu and click on ‘Action Box’.
Synoptic Microphone Control Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 4-6