The menu bar
All menu options referred to in this user manual are contained within the
menu bar, located underneath the title bar at the top of the main window.
Access to drop-down menus is gained by clicking on the menu title, dis-
played in the menu bar. The list of menu options is as follows:
The tool box
The tool box is situated on left side of the window as default. You can,
however, move this anywhere in the window. To do so:
• Position the pointer at the top of the tool box - though not on any icons -
and drag it to the desired location.
The tool box contains icons representing all available microphone possibili-
ties. These are:
Delegate unit - used for table top or built-in units with microphone, loud-
speaker, on/off button and status indicators.
Chairman unit - used for table top or built-in units with microphone,
priority key, on/off button and status indicators. Up to three chairman
units may be included in a layout.
Podium microphone - used for e.g. gooseneck type microphones mounted
on a desk or podium.
Microphone on floorstand - used for e.g. microphones mounted on a floor-
Digital Congress Network Synoptic Microphone Control
Page 3-3 Software User Manual
Fig. 2 All available menu options on the menu bar
File Edit View Settings Shift! Clear Help
ew... Undo Numbers System Mic Index...
pen... Cut Small Icons Mode... Keyboard
ave Copy Grid Mic Activity... Commands
Save A
s... Paste Rotate Image Microphone Procedures
elete... Delete Action Box Test... Glossary
mport... Number Settings Select Grid... Using Help
rint Layout Red background Snap About Syn.
Activity... for active mics Auto N
umbers Mic Control....
it Attention Tone
ient Mic. Control
Mic's o
ff after shift