IP Office ContactStore 7.8 Page 70
15-601038 Issue 4b (06 July 2009)IP Office
XXX Job Queue backlog reduced to
acceptable level. Currently YYYms.
Performance acceptable
System shut down for some
If you stopped it, no action
required. Otherwise find out
why. This message is displayed
after a controlled shutdown.
Wrote to archive disk correctly.
Previously reported archive
problem now cleared.
Correct archive disk now inserted.
Now able to write to disk in
Previously reported problem
sending email resolved.
Cannot insert details of recording XXX
into database.
Check available disk space on
the partition on which
ContactStore is installed.
Verify that the PostgreSQL
service is running.
Failed to delete file XXX. Reason: YYY.
Check the Voicemail Pro's Voice
Recording Library path; as long
as the call is playable from
ContactStore, you can delete
the file manually.
Failed to copy file XXX. I/O Error: YYY.
Take copy of XXX manually.
Failed to create/write target files for
recording YYY.
Take copy of XXX manually.
Failed to write XML file XXX. Reason:
Check disk space on the
partition on which your calls are
being stored.
Error processing file XXX. Reason YYY.
XXX Job Queue individual slow job - took
One-off occurrence not
Note time of day and report if
XXX Job Queue backlogged. Delay
currently YYYms but may go higher.
One-off occurrence not
Note time of day and report if
System restarted for some
If you restarted it, no action is
required. Otherwise find out
why. Power failure?
Error displaying alarm tag.
Bad or wrong type of archive disk
Unable to write to archive file XXX.
Reason: YYY. Check Troubleshooting
Insert a new blank DVD+RW.
No disk available for calls archive.
Previously closed archive disk inserted.
Error displaying ContactStore state tag.
Error purging database. Reason: XXX.
Check PostgreSQL service
Check all email settings. Send
test email to verify this
Authentication failed attempting to send
Check account name and
password for email account.