IP Office ContactStore 7.8 Page 19
15-601038 Issue 4b (06 July 2009)IP Office
Installation: Testing the Recording Operation
2.4 Upgrading from ContactStore 7.2
The previous supported version of ContactStore for IP Office is version 7.2.09. That version uses an MSDE database for
the storage of the call data whereas version 7.8 uses a PostgresSQL database.
It is not possible to restore backups of 7.2.09 systems to a newly installed 7.8 system due to the different database
formats. However, the installer for version 7.8 supports the direct upgrading of an existing version 7.2.09 system,
creating a PostgreSQL copy of the MSDE database during the installation process.
Therefore the recommended upgrade process is to first upgrade to 7.2.09 if not already on that release, backup the
system, then upgrade to 7.8.
If upgrading an existing Contact 7.2 Server
1.Backup the partitions containing the MSDE database and the partition being used for call storage. This is purely
precaution should it become necessary to revert to version 7.2.
2.Upgrade the system to version 7.2.09 is not already done.
3.Install ContactStore 7.8 , allowing it to upgrade the MSDE database to a PostgreSQL database.
4.Set the Call storage path (System Settings | Server) to match the current location of the call store.
5.Test that you can search for, find and play existing calls.
If intending to install ContactStore 7.2 on a new server PC
1. Install ContactStore 7.2 on a new server. (It will install on Vista but if you have User Account Control on, right-click
on setup.exe and select "Run as Administrator". You will not be able to replay calls from the Vista machine until
you have upgraded to 7.8. This is normal).
2. Back up the old MSDE database and restore it to the new server.
3. Backup the call recordings and restore them to the new server.
4. Check you can replay old recordings on the new ContactStore 7.2 system.
5. Upgrade the new server to ContactStore 7.8.