IP Office ContactStore 7.8 Page 54
15-601038 Issue 4b (06 July 2009)IP Office
7.2 Weekly Procedures
As you become confident of the normal operation of your recorder, you can reduce the frequency of the daily tasks. For
example, if you know that the rate at which your disk is filling is much less than the available space, you can check it
Perform the following tasks each week:
· Disk capacity-main recording store
When ContactStore is first installed, the disk is almost empty. As it gradually fills, you should note the rate at
which it is being used (at least weekly) and extrapolate to estimate when the disk will be full. At this point, the
ContactStore will begin deleting the oldest calls to make room for new ones.
· If this happens to calls that are younger than planned, check the configuration of the ContactStore to ensure
the correct calls only are being recorded. Add additional disk capacity to the partition before it fills.
· Disk capacity check all partitions
Check the available space on any other disk partitions. Verify that these other drives have sufficient space. The
recorder will warn you should the space on a partition it is using falls below 500MB. Accumulated temporary files
or log files that may need to be manually purged can cause this drop in available space.
· When purging files, remember that files you delete go to the Recycle Bin directory and that the space they
occupy is not freed until you click Empty Recycle Bin.
· Call detail database purging
If you have enabled automatic purging of aged call detail records, you should still monitor the size of the calls
database during the first few months of use so that you can predict how large it will get by the time old records
begin to be purged.
· Many customers plan never to purge call detail records; they add disk capacity every year or two as the
database grows. If you do this, you should upgrade your server every few years to compensate for the
increasing size of the database and the reduction in search and update speed.
· Complete Server Backup
Changes to system configuration that affect user access rights are stored in the database, so they are backed up
along with the call detail records.
If you are not using RAID arrays, Avaya strongly recommends that you take a ghost image of the ContactStore server
(or at least of the partitions on which your operating system and program files are installed) to allow for easy restoration
in the event of catastrophic system failure.
7.3 Monthly Procedures
Check the following aspects of the system on a monthly basis:
· Loading trends
Note the total call volumes recorded every month to be aware of gradually increasing traffic trends. If it appears
that the load is increasing, consider increasing server specification or disk space. To do this:
· Note the number of calls recorded at the end of each month and compare with previous month's accumulated
· Note the age of the oldest call on the disk (only applicable once the disk has filled for the first time).
· Note the CPU load during busy hour.
· Server Backup
Back up your server on a regular basis, particularly if you make any changes to the setup of your server. Make a
ghost image of the server so that you can quickly rebuild it in the event of major hardware failure.
· Recording Check
Any changes to the system may affect the system’s capabilities. To be sure that the system is functioning
correctly, periodically verify that the physical setup is properly specified in the Administration application.
· In addition, if you change the IP addresses or node names of any system components, you should perform a
full commissioning test to confirm correct storage of all required calls.