ATD abrasive blasting equipment is designed for cleaning and removing rust, scale, paint and
dirt. It is the ideal method for stripping, polishing and etching projects. This equipment can
be used with abrasive powders and liquids. This model is equipped with the standard use
ceramic nozzle.
WARNING: Airborne dust: This is one of the most serious hazards associated with blasting
operations. When evaluating this hazard, it's important to consider the concentration of dust and the
size of particles. Larger particles, considered "nuisance" dust, are normally filtered out in the nose
and throat. Smaller particles (10 microns or smaller) can bypass the lung's filtering system and
penetrate deep into the respiratory system, where they may cause serious damage. Safeguards are
needed when smaller particles are present in the working environment.
Metal dust, in addition to the abrasive being used, contributes to the generation of airborne dust.
Metals such as lead, cadmium, and manganese, can be extremely toxic when inhaled. Many
existing paints have a lead base. Regulations require special handling, trained personnel, and
medical monitoring when lead is present. If in doubt, check it out. Don't guess.
Silica sand: This product is a potentially serious health hazard and should NOT be used as an
abrasive. If silica containing (quartz) materials are selected for any reason, workers must wear a
positive pressure or pressure demand respirator with an assigned protection factor (APF) of either
1000 or 2000. Silica must be contained and disposed of properly. Even if a wet blasting method is
selected, silica that is allowed to migrate by either wind or water, will eventually become an airborne
Air supply: Air-supplied respirators must be used (1) when working inside of blast cleaning rooms,
(2) when using portable units in areas without enclosure, and (3) under any circumstances where
the operator is not physically separated from the abrasive material by an exhausted enclosure. If
airline respirators and compressors are used, make sure the intake hose is placed in an area that
provides clean air. An attendant should be in the area at all times, monitoring breathing air and
assuring the blaster's safety.
Additional personal protective equipment: Blasting operations create high noise levels, so
hearing protection is a must--for both the operator and nearby workers! Operators should also use
heavy canvas or leather gloves, aprons, or leggings when appropriate, as well as safety shoes.
Handling and storing abrasives: Dust is nearly always created at any point where abrasives are
transferred, whether by hand or shovel. Therefore, all points of transfer must be properly exhausted
and workers who handle abrasives manually should wear particulate filter respirators.