Background Tasks
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Cancelling a Rebuild and Restarting It with a
Different Drive
You can cancel a rebuild by using the Remove Drive link on the
Maintenance page.
Setting Background Task Rate
In 3DM, you can set the relative performance of background tasks
(initializing, rebuilding/migrating, and verifying) in relation to normal I/O
activity (reading and writing to disk).
Controllers can have separate settings for Rebuild/Migrate Rate and Verify
Rate. (Initialization occurs at the Rebuild rate.)
To change the background task rate
1 Choose
Management > Controller Settings from the menu bar.
2In the
Background Task Rate section of the Controller Settings page,
select one of the five radio buttons to indicate the relative task rate for
Rebuild and Verify Tasks.
The furthest left buttons set the firmware to the fastest rebuild and verify
settings. This means that maximum processing time will be given to
rebuilds or verifies rather than I/O. The furthest right buttons set the
firmware to the slowest rebuild and verify settings, giving maximum
processing time to I/O.
After you select one of the radio buttons, the page refreshes, and a
message at the top confirms the change you have made.
Note: If you want to pause the rebuild process through 3DM, you can do so by
setting or changing the rebuild schedule on the Scheduling page. If you set a
schedule for rebuilds that does not include the current time, the rebuild process will