Chapter 3. 3DM 2 (3ware Disk Manager) Introduction
20 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide for the Power Mac G5
Working with the 3DM Screens
3DM’s features are organized on a series of pages you view in your browser.
After you log in to 3DM, the Summary page shows a list of controllers
installed in the computer at the URL you specified.
Figure 6. 3DM Main Screen
The menu bar across the top of the screen gives you access to other pages in
3DM. You can move between pages by using the menu bar, or by clicking a
link on the page.
The main area of the page provides summary or detail information about your
3ware RAID controller and the resources connected to it.
As you work in 3DM, the Messages area just below the menu bar displays
information about the results of commands you have selected.
System name and operating system.
Online Help
Address of the
system to which
you are
Menu bar
Message bar
List of
controllers on
the system
Time of last
page refresh
Version of 3DM
Tip: If you have a question about something you see on the screen, just click the
Help button in the menu bar.