
Error and Notification Messages
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jumpered in the wrong place. The converter must be correctly jumpered to
correspond to UDMA 100 or 133 drives.
For a list of compatible drives, see
0032 Spare capacity too small for some units
This message is sent by the controller when it finds a valid hot spare but the
capacity is not sufficient to use it for a drive replacement for existing units.
0033 Migration started
This message is sent when migration of a unit is started. For more information
on migration, see “RAID Level Migration (RLM) Overview” on page 50.
0034 Migration failed
This message is sent when migration of a unit fails. Review the list of events
on the Alarms page for other entries that may give you an idea of why the
migration failed (for example, a drive error on a specific port).
0035 Migration completed
This message is sent when migration of a unit is complete. The new unit type
and/or stripe size is now ready to be used. If the capacity of the unit did not
change, then you do not need to do anything else. If the capacity of the
migrated unit is larger, you will need to inform the operating system of the
change. See “Informing the Operating System of Changed Configuration” on
page 53.
0036 Verify fixed data/parity mismatch
This message is sent by the controller when a verify error is found (parity
inconsistency for RAID 5 or data mismatch for RAID 1/10 configuration) and
recovered. If the error is not recovered the message Verify Failed is returned
0037 SO-DIMM not compatible
This message applies to the 3ware 9500S controller which has removable
memory. This message will be sent if there is incompatible SODIMM
memory connected to the controller. In this case, the controller is inoperable
and cannot be used until a compatible SO-DIMM is put on the controller. For
a list of SODIMMs compatible with the 9500S, see
Other 3ware controller models do not have memory that can be removed.