Chapter 32: CLI Command Groups
The system commands can be broken down into the functional groups shown below.
Table 32-1 Command Group Index
Command Group Description Page
General Basic commands for entering privileged access mode, restarting the
system, or quitting the CLI
System Management Display and setting of system information, basic modes of operation,
maximum frame size, and restarts the system
File Management Downloads or saves software code and system configuration files 35-1
Console Port and Telnet Configures console port and Telnet access settings 36-1
System Logging Configures system event logging 37-1
SMTP Alerts Sends alert mail messages based on system events 38-1
System Clock Configures SNTP and other time settings 39-1
Simple Network
Management Protocol
Activates authentication failure traps; configures community access
strings, and trap receivers
User Authentication Configures user names and passwords, logon access using local or
remote authentication, management access through the web server,
Telnet server and Secure Shell; as well as restricted access based on
specified IP addresses
Port Security Restricts port access based on source MAC addresses 42-1
IEEE 802.1X Configures IEEE 802.1X port access control 43-1
Access Control List Provides filtering for IPv4 frames (based on address, protocol, TCP/
UDP port number or TCP control code), IPv6 frames (based on
destination address, next header type, or flow label), or non-IP frames
(based on MAC address or Ethernet type)
Interface Configures the connection parameters for all Ethernet ports,
aggregated links, and VLANs
Link Aggregation Statically groups multiple ports into a single logical trunk; configures
Link Aggregation Control Protocol for port trunks
Broadcast Storm Control Configures a packet-rate threshold on ports to control broadcast
Mirror Port Mirrors data to another port for analysis without affecting the data
passing through or the performance of the monitored port
Rate Limit Controls the maximum rate for traffic transmitted or received on a port 49-1
Address Table Configures the address table for filtering specified addresses, displays
current entries, clears the table, or sets the aging time
Spanning Tree Configures Spanning Tree settings for the switch 51-1
VLANs Configures VLAN settings, and defines port membership for VLAN
Private VLANs Enables and configures private VLANs 53-1
Protocol VLANs Configures protocol-based VLANs 54-1