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Here are some of the main characters that appear in Pokémon Black Version.
Professor Juniper
Professor Juniper is a
scientist in Nuvema Town
who researches Pokémon.
She gives you your first
Pokémon and a Pokédex.
Although her anxious father tries
to stop her, your friend Bianca joins
you on your journey. She likes to do
things at her own pace, but she is
also very dedicated and hardworking.
N is a young man who
you will encounter many
times throughout your
journey. His motives are
wrapped in mystery.
Although your friend Cheren can
be a bit hard to deal with at times,
he is very reliable and will embark
on your journey with you.
gYm leAderS And BAdgeS
If you are able to beat a Gym Leader, you’ll receive an official Pokémon League Badge.
The number of Badges you obtain determines what level of traded Pokémon will follow
your orders.
Striaton City / CHILI, CRESS & CILAN
Trio Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 20 obey you.
Castelia City / BURGH
insecT Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 40 obey you.
Driftveil City / CLAY
Quake Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 60 obey you.
Icirrus City / BRYCEN
Freeze Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 80 obey you.
Nacrene City / LENORA
Basic Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 30 obey you.
Nimbasa City / ELESA
BolT Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 50 obey you.
Mistralton City / SKYLA
JeT Badge
Pokémon up to Lv. 70 obey you.
Opelucid City / DRAYDEN
legend Badge
All Pokémon obey you,
regardless of level.
mAin ChArACterS
mAin ChArACterS