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Set out for Adventure in the unovA region!
In the massive Unova region, you will find everything
from a sprawling metropolis, lined with skyscrapers, to a
vast wilderness, full of greenery. The ultimate goal of your
adventure is to cross paths with many people and cooperate
with Pokémon to shine as a Pokémon Trainer.
meet And CAtCh mAnY different Pokémon!
Something to work toward in the game is to complete your
Unova Pokédex by meeting and catching as many different
kinds of Pokémon as you can.
Note: In order to catch all the Pokémon in the Unova region and
complete your Pokédex, you must connect with other Pokémon
versions, such as Pokémon White Version.
BeCome the BeSt trAiner ever!
Also, you’ll want to improve your skills as a Pokémon Trainer. During your adventures,
you’ll battle wild Pokémon, as well as battling other Trainers. Both types of battle will
help you and your Pokémon become better and stronger. In the Unova region, there are
places called Pokémon Gyms, where you can test your skills. Defeat the powerful Gym
Leaders to move toward becoming the best Pokémon Trainer ever.
whAt Are Pokémon?
In this world live creatures called Pokémon. Pokémon come in all shapes and sizes and
live in a variety of locations. Humans and Pokémon have lived together in harmony for
ages. Nevertheless, there are still numerous mysteries surrounding them. In order to find
out more about these creatures, many scientists—such as Professor Juniper of Nuvema
Town—have dedicated their lives to Pokémon research.
Beginning Your Adventure
One day, you and your friends, Cheren
and Bianca, each receive a Pokémon
from Professor Juniper, who asks you
to travel throughout the Unova region
in order to encounter every kind of
Pokémon there is and to complete
the Pokédex. After choosing your first
Pokémon, who will also be your partner
on this journey, your adventure begins.
ChAnging SeASonS
The Unova region has four distinct
seasons. Enjoy the differences between
spring, summer, autumn, and winter
as the seasons change throughout
your adventure. Seasons change once
per month of real time using the clock
feature of the Nintendo DS™ system.
Your Adventure BeginS
Your Adventure BeginS
oBJeCt of the gAme
oBJeCt of the gAme