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Pokémon Global Link Page
(website screen)
The Battle Subway is a subway for Trainers to wage battle in. There are seven lines in total,
and Trainers who win seven consecutive battles in a train line will receive Battle Points
(BP), which can be exchanged for items, TMs, and more at the Exchange Service Corner.
Each Pokémon in your party must be a different Pokémon, and all Pokémon will have
their level temporarily set to 50 during Battle Subway challenges. (Their level will return
to normal once the challenge is over.) In addition, the held items of your party Pokémon
must all be different.
Note: Eggs in your party, as well as some specific Pokémon, cannot participate in the Battle Subway.
SINGLE TRAIN Use three Pokémon for a Single Battle.
DOUBLE TRAIN Use four Pokémon for a Double Battle.
Two players use two Pokémon each for a Multi Battle. You can use the Infrared
Connection or DS Wireless Communications to play with a friend. If you play
alone, a character in the game will battle alongside you.
Use three Pokémon for a Single Battle against a Trainer whose data you
download using Nintendo WFC. Send your battle results over Nintendo
WFC, and you may encounter your own Trainer data as an opponent! If you
continue to win, your rank will rise and you will be matched with even stronger
opponents. You can only board the Wi-Fi Train after completing the main story.
If you beat all the opponents in Single Train, Double Train, or Multi Train, you
will unlock their Super version. You can only board these three Trains after
completing the main story.
After each battle, you can select “REST” to save your game
and return to the title screen. Continue your game and speak
to the person on the platform to resume from where you left
off. Select “RECORD” to save a Battle Video of the battle.
Note: You will lose your progress if you quit without saving.
The Pokémon Global Link is a website that connects with
Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version. Two
of the primary services of the Pokémon Global Link are
the Pokémon Dream World and the Global Battle Union.
Visit the Pokémon Global Link website at:
Note: The Pokémon Global Link is a membership-based service
offered to Pokémon Trainer Club members. You must become a
Pokémon Trainer Club member to use the Pokémon Global Link.
Visit the official Pokémon website to become a member of the
Pokémon Trainer Club at www.pokemon.com.
Note: You must have a computer with Internet access to use the Pokémon Global Link.
Note: The Pokémon Global Link consists of additional content made to increase your enjoyment of
Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version and is completely optional. The Pokémon Global Link
does not affect the progression of the main story in any way.
Note: Using Game Sync (see page 55) uploads a portion of your save data to the Pokémon Global Link.
BAttle SuBwAY
BAttle SuBwAY
Pokémon gloBAl link
Pokémon gloBAl link