Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game Video Game Console User Manual

Operation 2-9
Static electricity builds up on your body. This static can damage or
destroy sensitive VGM circuits. BEFORE touching or handling electronic
assemblies, discharge static electricity by touching the electronics mounting plate.
CPU Board and SI/O Board chips dont face same direction. When
mounting chips on either board, refer only to chips on the same board for
reference. Never use chips another board for reference.
ROM (Read Only Memory) circuits contain computer operating instructions for this VGM. Switch off
power to the VGM. Unlock and remove the rear door. Remove the perforated metal cover. Note the
ROM chip position. Remove the device with a chip extraction tool. To reinstall a ROM chip, orient the
device over its socket. Press the chip firmly to seat pins. Don’t force the chip into the socket.